17th SocNet98 IUW "Methods and Methodology of Social Work - Reflecting Professional Interventions


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Excursions 2015

We will have two time blocks of excursions, please choose one excursion from each time block:

Excursions D1)-D7): Wednesday, 22nd, 14:00-16:00

Excursions E1)-E6): Thursday, 23rd, 10:00-12:00


D1) ASB – Psychiatric Services for Adults

ASB, Gesellschaft für Seelische Gesundheit, Psychiatric Services for Adults (Elger Neumann) (Wednesday, 22nd, 14:00-16:00)

The ASB mental health society (Arbeiter Samariter Bund – Gesellschaft für Seelische Gesundheit) offers psychiatric services for adults. We provide a range of different services for adults with mental health problems and psychiatric diseases.

The focus of the excursion will be on:
– Our general Services
– A day centre for adults mental health Problems
– A unit with the focus on occupational therapy

ASB, Gesellschaft für Seelische Gesundheit mbH
Rathausplatz 1
28309 Bremen

D2) Hans-Wendt-Stiftung – Additional Children Services

Hans-Wendt-Stiftung – Additional Education Services for Children (Katharina Blickle) (Wednesday, 22nd, 14:00-16:00)

The Hans-Wendt-Stiftung (Hans-Wendt Foundation) offer, amongst many other activities, Integrated Curative Pedagogy (IHTE – Integrierte Heilpädagogische Tageserziehung).

IHTE is a child and youth welfare program for children who are visiting a child day care service (after-school care club or full-day-school). It is directed to children that have a need for extra support in different areas of socialisation as well as their families. Support and education are provided in the fields of emotional, social, cognitive, motoric, and language and School related development.

IHTE Ganztags-Grundschule
Oslebshauser Heerstr. 115,
28239 Bremen


D3) Social Work in a Secondary School

Social work in a secondary school (Kirsten Bruch) (Wednesday 22nd, 14:00-16:00)

The Neue Oberschule Gröpelingen (New Secondary School Gröpelingen) has an integrated service for school social work. The presentation will focus on activities and conceptualisation of this special offer.

Neue Oberschule Gröpelingen
28239 Bremen

D4) St. Petri – Child and Youth Welfare

St. Petri – Child and Youth Welfare Services (André Rulfs) (Wednesday, 22nd, 14:00-16:00)

St. Petri Child and Youth Welfare Services is a provider of child and youth welfare services in Bremen with an experience of already many centuries.

We will present the following themes within the excursion:
– General overview on St. Petri child and youth welfare (Projects, organisational structure, history)
– Residential Youth Care, here the new Group homes for un-accompanied minor refugees
– Services for Children: Projects and specialisations of the “House for children”
– Tour over the St. Petri campus

St. Petri Kinder- und Jugendhilfe gemeinnützige GmbH
Sudwalder Straße 3
28307 Bremen

D5) Caritas – Child and Youth Placement for Refugees

Caritas Erziehungshilfe, ION (Frau Christoph/Lena-Kristin Teschner) (Wednesday, 22nd, 14:00-16:00)

We will visit a residential center for child and youth placements (ION – Inobhutnahme) from Caritas Erziehungshilfe (Caritas Child and Youth Welfare) that has especially been developed for un-accompanied minor refugees.

Caritas Erziehungshilfe, ION
Berckstraße 10
28359 Bremen

D6) Probation Services Bremen

Probation Services Bremen (Dietmar Benter) (Wednesday, 22nd, 14:00-16:00)

Probation Services Bremen will provide a presentation of social probation work with clients that have to stay under supervised probation due to a span of delinquency between the whole ranges between smaller thefts up to murder.

Also, the legal framework will be presented and the methodical interventions in co-operation and networking with other services and institutions will be described.

Soziale Dienste der Justiz im Lande Bremen
Am Wall 193
28195 Bremen

D7) SOS Family and Neighbourhood Centre

SOS Family and Neighborhood Centre (Sarah Bode) (Wednesday, 22nd, 14:00-16:00)

We will present the SOS-Family and Neighbourhood Centre with its open area and cafe. We provide several activities for children, offers for family education and development and German language courses for migrants. The centre also provides a crèche, a counselling centre for Young children and parents, a therapeutic-educational day centre, and many things more.

SOS Kinderdorf-Zentrum Neustadt
Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 101
28199 Bremen


E1) Gapsy – Non-residential Psychiatric Services

Gapsy – Gesellschaft für ambulante psychiatrische Dienste (Jens Josuttis, Sabine Adams) (Thursday, 23rd, 10:00-12:00)

Gapsy (Gesellschaft für ambulante psychiatrische Dienste) provides non-residential psychiatric services for adults and tries to support and empower clients to live in their own personal homes.

Waller Heerstr. 103,
28219 Bremen

E2) AWO – Addiction Treatment Services

AWO Integra, Haus Neuland, Addiction treatment services (Jutta Wendel) (Thursday, 23rd, 10:00-12:00)
AWO Integra (Worker`s Welfare), Haus Neuland provides addiction treatment services with a focus on bridging services for adults towards inclusion in society.

We will visit workshops and studios where clients work and will present our general services in the field of addiction treatment. Haus Neuland has a special focus on addiction of alcohol and medication.

AWO Integra, Haus Neuland
Dockstr. 18
28237 Bremen

E3) AWO – Disability Services (living arrangements)

AWO Integra, Services for People with Disabilities (Kai Bruns) (Thursday, 23rd. 10:00-12:00)
AWO Integra (Worker’s Welfare), Services for People with Disabilities provides non-residential and residential home care settings as well as day centres for adults with disabilities.

The main focus of this excursion will be on the question how social work interventions can become part of designing living arrangements for the disabled and how day centres can be integrated in these activities.

We will visit a support service for adults with mental disabilities whom are living in own flats in the community. The service works with 13 adults that are accompanied by one team of social workers.

AWO Integra gGmbH
Betreutes Wohnen g.B.
Haus Sedanstr.
Sedanstr. 81
28201 Bremen

E4) Martinsclub – Disability Services (community)

m|c Martinsclub – Services for young and adult people with disabilities (Benedikt Heche) (Thursday, 23rd, 10:00-12:00)

The Martinsclub is a bigger non-profit provider for the disability and inclusion services in Bremen.

Beyond a presentation of the general aims and activities of the m|c, we will especially refer to its understanding of the realisation of inclusion in our everyday work and offers.

The main focus of this excursion will be on the question how social work interventions can become part of integrating local neighbourhoods and community activities in services for the disabled and how both the target group and the communities can benefit from such approaches.

Concrete thematic areas of the visit will be a neighbourhood based arts and culture initiative as well as the activities of the Martinsclub in the local neighbourhoods and communities and the organisation of the residential services.

Martinsclub Bremen e. V.
Buntentorsteinweg 24-26
28201 Bremen


E5) ASB – Disability Services (labour)

ASB, Gesellschaft für soziale Hilfen (Heinz Becker), (Thursday, 23rd, 10:00-12:00)

The ASB Society for Social Services (Arbeiter Samariter Bund, Gesellschaft für soziale Hilfen) tries to support and mediate participation into work life for adults with severe and multiple disabilities.

The main focus of this excursion will be on the question how social work interventions can become a part of supporting the inclusion of the disabled in professional education, training and labour participation.

ASB Gesellschaft für Soziale Hilfe e.V.
28307 Bremen


E6) Caritas – Family Crisis Services

Caritas, Family crisis services (Frau Schenk) (Thursday, 23rd, 10:00-12:00)

The Caritas family crisis services are directed to all families in trouble or need. We try to work on crises directly in the families at home in pedagogical and therapeutic settings.

Caritas Erziehungshilfe
St. Johannis Kinder- und Jugendhilfe
St.-Magnus-Str. 8
28217 Bremen-Walle


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Bremen School
of Social Work