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Workshops 2021 |
We will have four time blocks of workshops, please choose one workshop
from each
block: Workshops A1)-A4): Monday, 14.30-16.00 Workshops B1)-B4): Tuesday, 10.00-11.30 Workshops C1)-C5): Wednesday, 10.00-11.30Workshops D1)-D4): Wednesday, 13.30-15.00 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: A1) Understanding Emotion in Social Work Prof. Dr. Nicole Harth (Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences Jena, Germany) This workshop focuses on the topic of emotions, especially discrete
emotions, such as shame, guilt, trust and anger. A key topic will be the
discussion of what emotions actually are and how they apply to social work
practice. We discuss the importance of emotions from the perspective of
different disciplines, such as (social-)psychology, sociology, social work. The
goal is to provide an integrative view of emotions. The workshop offers a mix
of theoretical input as well as interactions, self-reflection and group discussions
on the topic. A2) Family Group Conference as a Method in Child and Youth Welfare
Michael Delorette (St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Austria) Family Group
Conference is a decision making process concerning assistance plans in relation
to children’s welfare. This family-led planning model has its origin in New
Zealand, spread over many countries of Europe, and other parts of the world. In
the workshop the model Family Group Conference will be presented and its
steps and how it works will be examined. The analysis also shows that the model
is about more than only User Involvement. It has interactive effects on the
empowerment of people. It points out the need for flexibility in the
organisation of help and building networks. Beside the human and the children’s
rights to which Family Group Conference refers there are also other theoretical
basics of social work involved, such as there are participation, concepts of
human autonomy and a successful life despite disagreements. And of course, we
will also discuss this model. I’m looking forward to seeing you in this
workshop. A3) Parental Support - Shifting the Focus on the Parents Doutsen Dijkstra (Hanzehogeschool Groningen, The Netherlands) This workshop
will focus on the concepts of
prevention, parental growth and parent-focused advice. Studies show
that about 50 % of all parents express the need to talk about issues of parenting and the development of their children outside their own family network.
If we care about children's well-being, we also have to invest in the
well-being of parents. Well-being in the social and family
environments has significant influence on the growth and wellbeing
of the children. But how can we reach and support that as a social
worker? In this workshop, we are going to focus on individual support
strategies (method of parent-focussed advice) but also on the key
factors of supporting parents in small groups. Here, we will regard
preventive activities to tackle child abuse, learning problems,
behaviour problems and strategies to create rich and healty
environments for children. A4) Comparing Child Protection in Europe using a Case Example Prof. Dr. Michael Herschelmann (Hochschule Emden-Leer, Germany) Find more about the project in Publication at: Article in Online-Journal "Social Work and Society"
B1) Using Creative Therapeutic Interventions in Social Work Practice with Young People Prof. Dr. Gabriele Schäfer (Hochschule Bremen, Germany) Externalizing is a therapeutic practice which
has developed within Narrative therapy. It is an intervention that creates a
perspective on reality, in which the person has a relationship to the problem
and in which the person is not the problem. This therapeutic approach considers
problems as coming from sources outside of the person. Some outside sources are
through socialization, through relationships with others or with cultures and
societies. B2) Abuse at the Heart of the Familiy: The Challenges and Complexities of Sibling Sexual Abuse Dr. Peter Yates (Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland) The international media tends to represent child sexual abuse as a problem of ‘stranger danger’ (Weatherred, 2015), but the reality is rather different. Most child sexual abuse is carried out by people well-known to the child, often by other family members. These other family members may themselves be children. Indeed, sibling sexual abuse - the sexual abuse of children by their brothers or sisters - is the most common form of intra-familial sexual abuse, estimated to be up to three times as common as sexual abuse by a parent (Krienert & Walsh, 2011; Stroebel et al., 2013). Nonetheless it remains an under-researched phenomenon. It raises particular challenges for practitioners to recognise the abuse and to balance the competing and often conflicting needs of the children in the family. Very difficult decisions need to be made regarding the siblings’ living and contact arrangements following the abuse becoming known. This interactive workshop will provide an overview of the relevant literature and explore the challenges with respect to decision making and intervention. It will outline some of the future directions for research and practice, and will argue for a whole family approach that maintains a child developmental perspective rather than responses derived from adult sex offending, and the particular significance of understanding sibling relationships.
Loonbeek, and students Sofie Hutman, Kaat Curinckx, Lieselot
Carpreau and Cato Claes (UCLL - University College Leuven-Limburg,
Belgium) In
this interactive workshop on children with deceased parents, we will
cover all aspects involved in this procedure. We will go deeper into
counselling, guardianship, grieving process, and other aspects relevant
to social workers. The goal is to be able to discuss this special topic
socially. It will be a workshop where your opinion and input is
certainly important.
Susan L. Ketner, PhD (Hanzehogeschool Groningen, The Netherlands) The Convention of the Right of the Child states that children should be
protected against violence, abuse and neglect. The Convention also states that
parents are responsible for nurturing and raising their children, but the
government is obliged to support parents with this task. In this workshop we
will discuss two topics. 1) How do we deal with cultural differences in
defining child abuse? And 2) When is it legitimate to intervene in family
matters? C1) Decision-making in Social Work and Child and Youth Welfare Stefan Kleipoedszus (Bournemouth University, England) Based
on findings from an ongoing study into social work decision-making and
already published studies, this event is going to be an interactive
workshop to explore the way professionals at different stages of their
careers make decisions regarding people who are unable to make their
own decisions due to their mental capacity, developmental stage or
substance use. These are high stakes and complex decisions often made
in conditions or uncertainty where risk to individual's health and
wellbeing is a significant concern. C2) Discovering the Complex Network of a Foster Child Iris Tilkin and students (PXL Hogeschool Limburg, Hasselt, Belgium) C3) Participation in Child and Youth Work - Experiencing and Learning Democracy Prof. Dr. Annette Harth (Hochschule Bremen, Germany) and Annika Koehler-Siefken (LidiceHaus Bremen, Germany) Participation is a core element in German child and youth work. The
workshop will focus on democracy building. We will work on concepts and areas
of participation. Inputs are included on the theoretical and conceptual frame
of participation in German child and youth work with a special focus on Bremen.
In addition, interim results of an ongoing project on the development of
innovative social space-oriented and low-threshold approaches to deliberative
participation formats will be discussed. C4) Psychological Aspects of Child Sexual Abuse: Consequences for Social Work Prof. Dr. Kristin Mitte (Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences Jena, Germany) In the present lecture, we will deal with different aspects of sexual abuse in children. First, the basics of posttraumatic stress disorder and dissociation will be introduced. Then, we will look at typical reasons why children remain silent and do not disclose to adults. We also look at typical attitudes of social workers that are barriers to working with children after sexual abuse. The lecture is an introductory course and requires no previous knowledge.
C5) Environmental Social Work with Families and Minors: Reflections from Different Case Studies Dr. Elisa Matutini (Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Venice, Italy) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: D1) Occupational Aspiration of Care Leavers and their Pathways to Autonomy Dr. Andrea Nagy (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy) The Workshop
will report about a research project that examines the experiences of
transitions to work and the associated challenges for the agency of young
people leaving residential care institutions, such as finding affordable
housing. The concept of agency focusses on individual opportunities for action
and ways of influencing the own life, that are reconstructed through
biographical interviews with care-leavers. From a relational perspective, those
opportunities are produced in changing social constellations depending on the
contextual conditions that the project will outline for the Autonomous Province
of Bolzano in Italy. The presentation will proceed with a scheme that enables an
international comparison of those contextual conditions which will be
subsequently explored and discussed among participants accordingly to their own
country-contexts. D2) The Traumatic Impact of Child Abuse Bart Loonbeek, and the students Linde Dankers and Julie Van Minnebruggen (UCLL - University College Leuven-Limburg, Belgium) What
are the effects of trauma for a child in terms of adulthood? And when
are we talking about trauma? How does it affect young
people's development? And what are the rights of a child after
trauma? In this workshops, we will use theoretical concepts to
introduce waht abuse triggers in children. In addition, we will discuss
methodologies that are used with children who have a history of abuse.
We will also look at the effects from different perspectives:
neurobiological, developmental, psychological ... Besides, from a
children's rights perspective, we will also look at what the
government's role is in guaranteeigng the right for children to be
protected from violence, abuse and neglect as stated in Article 19 of
the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Finally, we look at
how we as a supervisor can support these children. D3) Signs of whose Safety? On the Limits and Limitations of Manualised Approaches Charlotte Sweet and Franz Schiermayr (University of Applied
Sciences Upper Austria, Linz, Austria) This lecture pinpoints a
comprehensive crisis of confidence in the current post-postmodern capitalist
societies using the "signs-of-safety" approach as an illustrative
example of how a manualized approach is established in the field of official
family social work that is not well compatible with its own theoretical roots
or with basic democratic and social principles. The increasing tacit omission
of the third, political-structural mandate of social work in favour of
systematic, individualized case management is problematized and confronted with
a reflected, socially acceptable way of “radical” thinking and acting. Social
work as the executor of a competitive capitalist social policy, using the
example of the SEN model, is contrasted with an actionable, constructive social
work that can make a viable contribution to structural and systemic social
innovation. D4) Social Pedagogy as Conceptual Approach for Child and Youth Welfare Prof. Dr. Christian Spatscheck (Hochschule Bremen, Germany) Find more about the Spatial Paradigm of Social Pedagogy in Publications at: Article in European Journal of Social Work and Article in Online-Journal "Social Work and Society". :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |